Food production is one of the most important industries in any economy. The ability to feed your population and ensure their health is a key component of maintaining a strong economy and society. However, one area where food production has lagged behind other industries is mechanization. This means that many food preparations, storage, and transportation jobs are still done manually by people, rather than with machines. This article will explore the importance of mechanization in food production so that you can see why it’s important to invest in industrial automation when possible.
The greater output of quality product
The importance of mechanization lies in the fact that it increases productivity and output. This means that more food can be produced in a shorter amount of time, which means you can feed more people with fewer resources. It also ensures that your products are high quality; the machinery used in food production makes sure that nothing goes wrong—or at least, as little as possible.
More efficient use of time and money
In terms of labor costs, the cost of employing a human worker is often much more expensive than operating machinery. The time it takes for someone to operate a piece of machinery is significantly less than that required for human labor; this means that the machine can produce more in less time. In addition, machines are often more cost-efficient than humans because they do not require health insurance or other benefits (such as retirement packages) that are typically included in an employee’s salary package. When all these factors are considered together, it becomes apparent why mechanization could be considered an important part of food production: machines are able to produce large quantities of food while still being cost-effective and efficient. For example, plowing one acre of land with a new Massey Ferguson tractor would only take about an hour.
Operate with less labor in dangerous situations
There are a number of reasons why it is important to operate your food production process with as little human labor as possible. One is that by using some type of mechanization, you will be able to reduce the risk of injury or death at work. Dangerous workplaces are a major cause of workplace injuries and deaths worldwide—and they can be prevented by adopting technology-based solutions such as robots or automated systems that replace humans working in high-risk environments. In North America alone, more than 3 million workers were injured due to unsafe conditions at their jobs; meanwhile, nearly 5 million workers were exposed to potentially harmful substances on the job every year between 2012 and 2016 (Bureau).
Fewer injuries and accidents
Reduce the risk of injury
Industrial food production facilities, especially those that handle meat and poultry, are dangerous. The machinery used to prepare and process food can cause serious injuries when it malfunctions or is improperly operated by workers.
Reduce the risk of infection
Because industrial facilities have animals on-site, there’s a higher risk for contamination from bacteria such as salmonella or E. coli O157:H7. Proper sanitation practices can reduce these risks but cannot eliminate them entirely since some bacteria are capable of surviving in cold environments like refrigerators (such as Listeria Monocytogenes).
Reduce the risk of disease
People who work at industrial facilities may be exposed to pathogens through cuts on their hands or other body parts that come into contact with infected animals. These pathogens can cause gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting and diarrhea if ingested; however, they can also lead to more severe issues such as sepsis if they enter your bloodstream through an open wound in your skin (elevated heart-rate/blood pressure; fever).
In conclusion, the importance of mechanization in food production is immeasurable and can lead to significant benefits. For example, it can help farmers produce more high-quality products with less labor and fewer injuries or accidents. It also allows them to operate with greater efficiency, which means that they spend less time on tasks such as harvesting and processing crops. Finally, there may be fewer safety risks for workers who operate machines rather than using manual labor techniques like handpicking fruits or vegetables off trees or fields (which can lead to cuts).
Author bio
Travis Dillard is a business consultant and an organizational psychologist based in Arlington, Texas. Passionate about marketing, social networks, and business in general. In his spare time, he writes a lot about new business strategies and digital marketing for Life&Style Hub.