There is power in words. And since many children have difficulty with numeric problems, addressing these numerical problems is crucial for their success. But how can we improve a child’s vocabulary and make them more effective readers? First, we need to understand how these problems are related to language. Unlike other learning disabilities, numerical word issues are not directly linked to a child’s background or education.
The researchers found that kids living in poverty hear thirty million fewer words than their wealthier counterparts by the age of three. This gap has been confirmed by other researchers. Those from affluent families hear an average of one hundred million more words than those from poorer backgrounds. Despite the research, children from different socioeconomic backgrounds have vastly different vocabulary at this age.
The study, published in 1992, revealed that kids from lower-income families hear 30 million fewer words than children from higher-income families. This gap has remained a mystery for years, but other researchers have confirmed its existence. Indeed, Stanford University found that the average child in affluent family had a vocabulary that included approximately 30 million words by the time they reached the age of three.