The eyes are the fastest muscles in the human body, contracting in less than 10 milliseconds. To put it in another perspective, a single blink usually lasts around 100-150 milliseconds. In such a short span of time, our eyes are not only moving but also simultaneously sending signals to our brains.
Most of the time, the brain receives signals from both (bi) eyes (ocular) at the same time. The information included in each eye’s signal differs somewhat, and with properly functioning binocular vision, the brain can use these variances to estimate distances and coordinate movements of the eye.
How Does Binocular Vision Function?
Unlike some other mammals, we humans have both of our eyes set on the front of our faces. Both eyes are oriented forward, so each of them has a fairly identical perspective on an image.
The field of view, or the region seen when you close one eye, overlaps considerably between each eye. The fields of view of the eyes overlap the most towards the center. This part of the visual field gives the brain the most detailed information. Visual information at the periphery or center of the visual field may, of course, be caught by one eye, but binocular processing requires combined visual signals from both eyes.
Depth Perception
One of the reasons binocular vision is so crucial is that it helps us detect depth and object connections. Each eye perceives slightly different spatial information and communicates it to the brain. The brain then uses the differences in vision to assess distance and depth. As a result, we perceive a 3-D image and differentiate between item connections.
Catching a baseball, driving or parking a car, following classes held in front of a blackboard, and executing fundamental actions like walking or jogging become difficult without this ability. Because they lack the capacity to position themselves in relation to their environment, people with deficient binocular vision sometimes seem awkward and uncoordinated.
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash
Grades of Binocular Vision
With two eyes, humans have a maximum horizontal field of vision of around 200 degrees. The binocular field of vision (seen by both eyes) is approximately 120 degrees, with two side fields of approximately 40 degrees viewed by a single eye. Our visual system, known as stereopsis, employs parallax to provide exact depth information.
After melting together in the visual cortex of the brain, information from both eyes forms a single picture. Binocular vision is commonly thought to be the ability to look at the same thing with both eyes at the same time, giving us the feeling of depth. On the other hand, it may be classified into three degrees of functioning, as given by Worth’s classification.
1. Simultaneous perception
The first grade represents the ability to process images from both eyes at the same time.
2. Fusion
Fusion means that the brain can correctly interpret the two separate pictures from the right and left eyes, thus producing a single image. This occurs when we can aim both eyes in the same direction and focus on the same thing. Most of us have somewhat better visual acuity with two eyes information than with just one.
3. Stereopsis
Stereopsis refers to our capacity to see in three dimensions. The slight differences in the pictures from the two eyes cause this depth of vision. These cues are used by the brain to help us determine the distance to things. It is feasible to learn how to use other cues by just using one eye.
As infants, we lack stereoscopic vision, but even some adults experience distortions in in-depth perception and visual measurement of distance. Although this can be fixed by exercising your eye muscles with the help of a doctor or by using a mobile app for binocular vision, it is essential to be aware of the disorders and symptoms that lead to it.
Binocular Vision Disorders and Their Symptoms
Binocular vision abnormalities are among the most prevalent visual disorders. They are commonly accompanied by symptoms such as headaches, eye strain, eye discomfort, blurred vision, and, on rare occasions, double vision. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including:
- Vision impairment in one eye
- Loss of movement coordination between the two eyes (strabismus)
- Problems in the brain’s ability to compare pictures from both eyes
Impairments most often manifest in partial or total loss of stereoscopic vision and binocular depth perception. Conditions in which the eye is clearly turned or crossed are usually referred to as “crossed eyes” or “wandering eyes.” They are easily identified by others since the observer only needs to notice that both eyes do not always focus in the same direction.
We all react differently, but if you encounter a few of the symptoms listed below, you should consult an eye care specialist to determine the cause.
- Eye strain and impaired vision
- Unusual head position
- Pain in or around the eyes
- Diplopia, poor distance determination
- Sickness, dizziness
- Stumbling, clumsiness in general
- Squinting
- Reading endurance is low, and maintaining attention is difficult
- Unsteadiness during walking
- Anxiety caused by too many stimuli in a large place or group of individuals
- Sleep deprivation
- Inadequate eye contact
- Work avoidance
Some binocular vision abnormalities are difficult to identify because the turning or wandering of the eye(s) is not visible or constant. Eye rotations can be intermittent (they come and go) and/or difficult to detect by an unskilled observer. Even if an eye turn is only rarely observable, an issue can be present.
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash
Early Age Manifestations of Disorder
Binocular vision abnormalities in youngsters can create major difficulties in learning and performing schoolwork. Parents frequently describe having exceptionally bright children who simply can not keep up with or avoid homework. Children with some kinds of impairments frequently experience double vision, moving text on the page while reading, fuzzy words on the page, and other symptoms.
A child may need to re-read sentences, which will slow them down. They are frequently unaware that what they are going through is abnormal. This dissatisfaction and fear can lead to kids acting out, disengaging, or even melancholy. Early detection of a problem can save a kid and their family years of further struggles.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Binocular Vision Disorders
Thankfully, most issues are easily treated with eyeglasses, vision treatment, or in the worst cases, surgery. Receiving a comprehensive yearly optometry exam is critical for detecting these eye disorders, especially during the development period when the visual system is still forming.
The optometrist analyzes both binocular vision functioning and visual perception abilities during an eye examination, such as:
- Depth perception (3D)
- Fusion
- Ocular motility
- Ocular posture
- Spatial awareness/planning
Dysfunction is sometimes misinterpreted as sinus problems or migraine headaches. It is most commonly caused by a neurological condition, stroke, or accident. It usually appears after the age of 40. But however, it can appear at any time.
In some cases, facial asymmetry may increase your chance of acquiring the condition. That is if one of your eyes is somewhat higher than the other. Furthermore, binocular revision dysfunction might be caused by a nerve or eye muscle disorder. In some cases, people are just predisposed to the condition from birth.
Testing Yourself
If you suspect some kind of dysfunction, you can even test yourself with a simple exercise. Cover an eye for 3-5 seconds and then uncover it for another 3-5 seconds, allowing the time for binocularity to dissociate when one eye is covered and then for the eyes to fixate when both eyes are wide open. Slowly perform the exercise for at least 20 to 30 seconds to see if any abnormalities appear.
Regular Check-Ups and Corrective Therapy
It is advised that newborns get a full vision assessment by an optometrist within the first year of life since pediatricians do not test these abilities, and early discovery can enhance results.
When an abnormality is diagnosed, there are several ways to treat it. The most common one is prescribing a set of corrective eyeglasses. This can assist in restoring eyesight and address any blurriness concerns that may arise.
In some cases, an eye patch over the dominant eye may be required. This gradually strengthens the weaker eye. Depending on the severity of the problem, this may be the only option at this point. To get good results, patients may only need to wear the eye patch for a brief amount of time.
Proper Eye Care
Binocular vision impairment can have a negative impact on your eyesight. This is why it is critical to obtain a diagnosis as soon as possible. If the disorder is not addressed, it might progress to amblyopia. One of the most frequent visual impairments in children is amblyopia. It happens when the eye is weakened to the point that it can no longer see details.
Also known as lazy eye, this condition of poor vision affects only one eye. It occurs when there is a breakdown in how the brain and the eye interact together, and the brain is unable to perceive sight from one eye.
To protect your vision, schedule frequent check-ups with your eye doctor. Maintain your present eyesight and report any changes as soon as possible. Early diagnosis is key when determining proper therapy, and as soon as it is started, it can help in avoiding any serious conditions.
Author bio
Travis Dillard is a business consultant and an organizational psychologist based in Arlington, Texas. Passionate about marketing, social networks, and business in general. In his spare time, he writes a lot about new business strategies and digital marketing for Life&Style Hub.