What is the role of health in human capital formation? Health care investments are an important component of human capital formation, as healthier people earn more. These investments can also improve the living standards of entire regions. A healthy population is also important for the stability of whole regions. A country can lose its population to a pandemic, which has devastating social consequences and puts an increased strain on the health system. While global health has improved over the past several decades, the benefits are not equally distributed among nations. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are still unable to access even basic health care. These deaths are largely preventable, unless proper health care is provided for everyone.
Health plays an important role in human capital formation. Only people who are healthy can function to their full potential and contribute to the growth of the economy. Otherwise, they become liabilities for an organization. Health is the foundation of well-being, and the government has prioritized improving the health status of the population. Good health also means an active lifestyle and avoiding harmful substances. It makes us more productive and efficient at work.
Education also plays an important role in human capital formation. People who do not have education continue to do the same jobs as their parents, earning meager income. With proper education, however, they add quality to their labour and improve the total productivity of the economy. This in turn pays the individual with a salary. Thus, an investment in health and education will pay off handsomely in the future. There are many ways to improve human capital in a developing country.